Tuesday, 30 October 2007




Saturday, 27 October 2007

I Want

I WANT MEANS: if i want it enough, i will get it.

Getting what you want means making the decisions you need to make,
To get what you want.
Not the decisions those around you think you should make.
Making the safe decision is dull, predectable and leads nowhere new.

The unsafe decision causes you to think and respond in a way you hadn't thought of.
And that thought will lead to other thoughts which will help you achieve what you want.
Start taking bad decisions and it will take you to a place where others only dream of being.

Wednesday, 24 October 2007


嘻嘻~ 终于追看完55集的偶像剧 --《终极一家》-- 好舍不得喔。。。
还想一直追看下去耶 ~ 哈哈 不过,还蛮值得看的。。。至少我认为比 K.O ONE 好看哦。。。
剧情超怪趣搞笑的,我觉得剧本编得很不错。。。 嘻嘻
所以才能让我每天一集追看啦 ~ 哈哈哈

凝结术 -- FREEZE
谬特术 -- MUTE
缩音术 -- 把想要说的话,全都缩短,用声音传给对方听
要是真能有这些异能,多好啊 ~ 嘻嘻
真的是很有趣,超棒的啦!! =D

坦白说,看完以后我开始觉得,夏天 -- 汪东城饰,还不错看的说。。。
所以也不怎么讨好我。。。 =P
尤其喜欢夏天的分身 -- 鬼龙的造型,实在是帅呆了!! ^^
也发觉,汪东城,是蛮帅的啦 >_<

嗯,我一直都觉得,灸舞盟主 -- 炎亚纶饰,超帅的!! 嘻嘻 我会一直追看,是在等着他的出现咧。。。
到了29集他才出现,真是等得我的颈也变长了 ~ 哈哈 不过,所有的等待都是值得的。。。^^
不枉我一直都最喜欢他喔!! =)

当然也不能忘记,夏宇 -- 唐禹哲饰,也很帅啦。。。 我发现,他的演技有进步哦,比较生动也比较多元化。。。 只是有一点儿不怎么喜欢夏宇的分身 -- 鬼凤。。。 幸好鬼凤没真的变成罪大恶极的角色,所以他还是很帅很帅的 ~ 哈哈!! =P

除此之外,续盟主以后,我最喜欢,(呼延觉罗)修 -- 修饰,他也超帅的!! 你们有谁知道修啊??
他是新人吗?? 怎么之前都没在偶像剧里看过他?? 如果你知道,一定要告诉我,OK?? 嘻嘻 ^^
我还很希望,修可以跟寒在一起呢。。。 但以为夏天是主角,所以修只能默默地守护着寒。。。
好喜欢修,超有型喔!! ^_^

总的来说,这部戏剧的成功,是全体演员的功劳,大家都很努力。。。 所以我们才有机会观赏这部很棒的偶像剧咯!! 有夏雄,叶思人,阿公,夏美,寒,AH CHORD,神行者,火焰使者等。。。
还有还有,兰陵王 -- 辰亦儒饰,也蛮酷的,很有型呢。。。^^
对了,很多歌曲也很好听哦。。。 原来,AH CHORD 唱歌还蛮好听的说。。。
很喜欢他唱的那首, 够爱,很棒喔!! ^^

不知不觉,这部剧又告一段落了。。。 真的很舍不得,也很怀念啊。。。
我一定会支持好作品的!! 绝对不会错过啦 ~ 嘻嘻

大家加油咯!!! ^.^

Tuesday, 23 October 2007


You can't afford the house of your dreams.
That's why it is the house of your dreams.

So either find a way of getting it (what you want), well you'll find the means,
or be satisfied with dissatisfaction.

Sunday, 21 October 2007


GoodBye by The Melody

Oh I love you endless time
I lose my mind because of you
Oh I want to kill myself
You are the only love in my life
The only thing that is right
My love you are every breath that I take
Oh I love you

If you go say goodbye
But you know this
I will always love you
Bye bye if you go
Say goodbye
But you know this
I will always love you

说任何话 任何行动

Every day every night
Every single day I want you
Please don't leave me alone
Don't leave my alone
I want you need you love you
I'm gonna take you

If you go say goodbye
But you know this
I will always love you
Bye Bye if you go
Say goodbye
But you know this
I will always love you

Oh I want to kill myself
I'm just singing
I love you

Friday, 19 October 2007

242 Days

242 days.......


Friday, 12 October 2007

Tag #2

Tagged by Sheryl again. hehe ^^

1.Your name plus "ness"?

Yeng-ness!! haha oops...Vonness?!?!

2. Two feelings at the moment?

sleepy and xing fu

3. What are you listening to right now?

GoodBye by The Melody

4.Done anything you regret so far this week?

erm dont think so...yet

5. Describe where you are right now?

my room la ^^

6.The highlight of your week?

holidays. wheeeeee

7. What are you craving to have right now?

chocolate chocolate chocolate =P

8. Who were the last people you ate with?


9. What are you scared of?

to lose those whom i love

10. Last movie you watched?

Lust, Caution

11. Last songs you sang out loud?

I Love You by Han Dong Joon

13. Are you thinking of someone right now?

yea hehe

14. Who is the last person you talked to?

15. Last thing you downloaded on your computer?


16. Have you changed much this year?

of course. good or bad you shall find out yourself =P

19. Hug or kiss?

can i be greedy and have both ar?? haha

23. Who was the last person to text message you?


24. Where was the last place you went to besides where you are?

toilet lor haha

26. Do you speak any other language other than English?

erm "abu"+"then". see there's English and Malay. haha. of course not forgetting Mandarin and Cantonese ^^

27. Last thing you watched on TV?

The X-Family. entertaining drama series hehe

28.Do you dress for style or comfort?

comfort cuz im simple lazy

29. Name someone with the same b-day as you?

MCS...same year and born in the same hospital too...probably we were bed-mates too back in that year!! haha. btw only the last 2 digits of
our IC num are diff. unbelievably fated wei =D

30. Ever had a drunken night in mexico?

never been to Mexico, maybe in the future. but dont like to drink alco, so looks like its never gonna happen. plus me wont go all the way there to get drunk you know. rather me will be enjoying myself there instead hehe

31. Whats the craziest thing you've done?

hmm.......secret haha

32. Favorite color(s)?


33. What's your favorite cereal?

an aus brand cereal. forgotten the name hehe

34. What is your favorite Michael Jackson song?

You Are Not Alone

35. Who do you love?

Those who love me ^^

36. Any plans right now?

yea wanna get a hair cut

37. What are your plans for tonight?
sleep lor. kinda sleepy d hehe

38. What are you looking forward to tomorrow?


39. Last time you smile?


40. Who do you wanna be with right now?

Ai Wei lou po. honestly me wanted to visit her like ages ago but dont have the chance to. and i need a break!! miss u so badly ^^

i now officially tag...
well i'm gonna be real kind. hehe. if u wanna do it just go ahead ya. won't force you to do it this time. haha. so have fun!! =P

Wednesday, 10 October 2007


嘿嘿,原来《黑糖玛奇朵》也不错看哦。虽然一开始,觉得这部偶像剧太假了,以为好像比较偏向喜剧,电脑特技也用得有点过火,但看了几集以后,还蛮OK的。对了,是这部偶像剧让我认识棒棒糖和黑涩会美眉的。他们还OK啦,演戏也算不错看的。《黑糖玛奇朵》的歌曲也超好听咧。他们唱得很好呢。而且,这部偶像剧的名字也蛮特别耶,很适合它的剧情。《黑糖玛奇朵》是部描述青春的美好,编织梦想与追逐爱情和友情的勇气!! =)

Sunday, 7 October 2007


Dear, i'm truly sorry for your loss.
You know that we're going through this together.
She will live on in the hearts of everyone who loved her.