Wednesday, 27 September 2006

Hidden Truth

GOD showed me a hidden truth lately. and right now i am left confused without any idea about what i should do about it. therefore, the moment GOD, in His will, showed me the truth, i’d never stopped praying. i don’t even know what i’m praying about already. i really do not know what to do and perhaps there’s nothing i can do at this point of time. but only pray about it. as i pray, i know that our Father is working according to His own wisdom, accomplishing what is best. just like yesterday’s devotion, GOD showed that it wasn’t Daniel’s courage or his prayers saved him. it was GOD. He doesn’t always provide the sort of help we anticipate – but His method always provokes the most glory. i do not pray that GOD will take this burden away from me, because i really care, as GOD cares for the lost – all of them. please do pray for peace and strength to stay strong in my faith as GOD reveals His purpose in His time.

well, the stpm timetable is finally in my hands. phew. hopefully i’ll be really prepared by then. it'll be starting on the 15th till the 29th Nov. and after that i’ll be so called free. haha. by the way, updated some pics i took with my hp. some pics taken with my dear sister, with Jia Ci when we’re hanging out after trials and with Jan at lunch on Monday. Really glad to have you girls in my life. Hehe. Luv ya!! =P


Anonymous said...

hey u! =) don't worry too much bout it k! i'll be praying for you and 'that someone'. i'm sure God'll reveal His purpose to you soon. just wait on Him and rely on Him. trust Him, have faith in him, and be patient. he'll never leave you alone like that to handle it. it is, after all, his battle. not ours. he uses us for his glory. and therefore you only have to wait on him and when the time comes and he reveals to you what you should do, then all you have to do is obey. now, intercede. keep your spirit in prayer and worship. focus on him. do your quiet time. listen out for him. and soon you'll hear him. =) you'll always have my support and i'll keep praying ok. don't worry too much bout it. God don't want us to worry so much. instead, he wants us to have faith in him. let it go. leave it in his hands. let him handle it. be still and let him show you he's still GOD! =) keep standing firmly it your faith dear! =) love you lots always! =) *hugs*

andrea said...

eeyer....why never tell me u have a blog!!