Little Break
Sony Ericsson W850i. yupe, my 2nd SE hp. hehe. surprised?? or not?? anyway, this sudden change is because of 3 special person close to my heart. haha. excited to know?? ready?? hehe. 1st person it is ShErYL. well, cuz you're using this model too, so it kinda makes me prefer this model. shocked?? happy?? well, don't get too high ya. hehe. the 2nd person is HuI SaN. though she most likely won't be reading this, but thank you gurl. for buying my ex hp from me. haha. since it doesn't look good cuz i dropped it like infinity times but still you're willing to accept it. thanks so much!! hehe. and finally the 3rd person i wanna thank is OwEn Y. thank you!! thanks for getting this hp at a price where i'm sure i couldn't find it anywhere else on earth. haha. and thank you for sponsoring me a huge part. though i didn't ask for it. hehe. cuz i worked before this. anyway, all the more i feel it is so worth it to get this hp now. evil me but ohh well. how cheap?? ask and you shall find out. haha. kinda high right now but well, this hp can really distract me from all the craziness of my busy days. hehe. so million thanks to you guys once again!! love ^-^
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