Friday, 4 August 2006

An End And A New Beginning

It has been about a year plus ago when Joel started the break dance class in my church. and now is the time to move on from there. and after 9 months of hardcore break dance training, i am a little afraid to put an end to things ahead. you know, afraid that i might not be able to move on or something. as right from the beginning, i decided to break for God alone and therefore i'll surrender break dancing into God's hands. knowing that He's in all control and so i don't really know where are all this are going to. it just feels complicated and a little insecure deep down. but nevertheless, i still have faith in God, as always.

today, Joel will be starting a new intensive dance training for the G4G group. i am honestly looking forward to this all new training but in the mean time, there are a couple of circumstances and obstacles to overcome. well, it's always a challenging journey living for God. and i know better than anything that He is with me. so i've got no reason at all to give up. i know i'll pull through with Him. and this time too, come what may. =)

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